Joining AFFTA links you to the only trade organization dedicated solely to promoting the sustained growth of the fly-fishing industry. We work daily to move all of our businesses forward, and on any given day you may find us planning the world’s largest fly-fishing trade show, tracking the progress of our Fisheries Fund recipients, or recruiting overall industry participation. A large part of our days is also spent advocating for clean water, access to fisheries, and a fair trade marketplace.
We realize you’re just as busy as we are, and have worked to put together a collection of member benefits to help your business (and maybe give you some more time on the water). You can find a full list of benefits in an easily-downloadable PDF here. Print out a copy and keep it handy. In talking with many of you, some of the most-used benefits include:
- Guide and Outfitter Liability Insurance
- Exclusive UPS Shipping Program
- Staples Discount
At the recent Dealer Summit, many retailers revealed the money saved through AFFTA member benefits more than pays for their membership fee. If you are not currently taking advantage of the discounts, jump on it. They are there for the taking.