From the beginning of this battle, AFFTA has stood behind smart, science-based protections of the Bristol Bay watershed from mining interests, specifically Pebble’s proposed copper and gold mine. The watershed is home to world-class salmon runs and a treasured fishing destination and AFFTA is on record supporting a Clean Water Act 404(c) determination for Bristol Bay. We believe the risks from extraction threaten this fishery and the economic activity it represents to our members.
And yet, the permit for the proposed mine is now in the review process. Take a minute to read this letter from our friends at Save Bristol Bay and another minute to send your comment against the proposed mine to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
Bristol Bay Supporter,
Today, we have the first chance to formally weigh in on one of Pebble’s major mining permit applications.
In December, Pebble applied for one of the major permits they’ll need to mine in Bristol Bay. Filing for that application is huge news because it brings their catastrophic proposal one step closer to becoming a reality. Since then, you’ve asked us how you could help – now is your chance.
Click here to comment to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Pebble’s application today.
The December application filing kick-started the federal permitting and environmental review process for Pebble Mine, which is currently looking to develop the first 1.2 billion tons of its nearly 11 billion-ton deposit, and set the stage to turn the Bristol Bay region into an industrial mining district criss-crossed with roads, powerlines, industrial vessels and air traffic. They currently propose a mine and supporting facilities that will run continuously for 20 years, but this is only phase one.
The Corps of Engineers has just opened its first public scoping comment period, where they’ll accept input on what they should take into consideration for creating the Environmental Impact Statement, the lynchpin in the permitting process. This “scoping” comment period is significant because it’s the first time a federal agency has asked us what they should pay attention to as they analyze potential impacts of Pebble’s proposed mine plan.
This includes allowing ALL stakeholders to weigh in on a host of issues that would be impacted by Pebble, including the water quality, fisheries, landscape, businesses, cultures, and airways of the Bristol Bay region, Cook Inlet, and impacted areas of the Kenai Peninsula.
Thank you for weighing in today, and sharing the action link with your friends and contacts.
Your friends at Save Bristol Bay